summer 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

nappy headed you know the rest

DON IMUS: So, I watched the basketball game last night between — a little bit of Rutgers and Tennessee, the women’s final.

SID ROSENBERG: Yeah, Tennessee won last night — seventh championship for [Tennessee coach] Pat Summitt, I-Man. They beat Rutgers by 13 points.

IMUS: That’s some rough girls from Rutgers. Man, they got tattoos and –

BERNARD McGUIRK: Some hard-core hos.

IMUS: That’s some nappy-headed hos there. I’m gonna tell you that now, man, that’s some — woo. And the girls from Tennessee, they all look cute, you know, so, like — kinda like — I don’t know.

McGUIRK: A Spike Lee thing.

IMUS: Yeah.

McGUIRK: The Jigaboos vs. the Wannabes — that movie that he had.

IMUS: Yeah, it was a tough –

CHARLES McCORD: Do The Right Thing.

McGUIRK: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

IMUS: I don’t know if I’d have wanted to beat Rutgers or not, but they did, right?

ROSENBERG: It was a tough watch. The more I look at Rutgers, they look exactly like the Toronto Raptors.

from the moderate voice

40 years
4 words
some nappy headed hos
don imus
open mouth - insert foot

he said it
free speech
shock jock
he is paid to talk

he said sorry
get over it
people are mad
stop giving him air time
you make it worse
give it up
move on
suck it up

i have been paying attention
to the media
how they twist
the facts
cut cut cut
paste paste paste
in the order they want
the media is rich white men
in suits
counting their money
saying what they want

pay attention people
this country is in trouble

nappy headed hos makes the news
but what about soldiers getting killed

stop and think
see the light
before its gone

Cause when they own the information
They can bend it all they want
john mayer says it right
