summer 2007

Monday, March 26, 2007


here r some comments
people have left 4 me
a great weekend
thank u all
i hope to return 2 the stage


I just wanted to extend my Congratulations to those members of the Cast and Crew of Urinetown who reside in Berkshire Towers. You all did an amazing job, and I was highly impressed with the performance!!!
Congrats on a job well done!!!

nice job!! --julie a

loooooved it! :) you were my favorite character in the whole play. pinkie swear!
oh god, after the day I had, urinetown was a god send. sooo funny. and I just loved seeing you and Geary perform. you two are just so delightful on the stage :) --amanda r

awesome job again on the show! i was totally impressed with you...and ask larissa...thats hard to do!!!xoxo -- andrea