summer 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


More than 38 million Americans suffer from hunger or are food insecure, including 13 million children. (United States Department of Agriculture)

More than 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness every year. (National Coalition for the Homeless)

In 2004, the number of Americans living in poverty climbed to 37.9 million people, 12.7% of the population. (U.S. Census Bureau)

800 million people suffer from hunger worldwide. (Bread for the World)

Hunger is defined as consuming fewer than 1,960 calories per day. If all the food produced worldwide was distributed equally there would be enough food so everyone could get 2,760 per day - and no one would experience hunger. (U.N.D.P Human Development Report, 2005)

In 2004, 24% of emergency food providers and 77% of emergency shelter providers reported that they had to turn away individuals requesting assistance, primarily due to a lack of resources. (National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness)