summer 2007

Monday, April 30, 2007


tonight i was sworn in
took the oath
its semi official
i joined the table
student trustee richards
has a nice ring
july 1
my first day
the beginning
the end

so much this week
i wish i could slow it down
but i cant

we have added a counter
i want to see the traffic
how many hits do we get

peace out

Sunday, April 29, 2007


comments are on
leave feedback
sound off
i want to hear from you
ask questions
whatever you want


heres another post
they all start the same
with nothing to say
and then it comes
something profound
i must share

i guess people read this
i really didnt know
its like a running joke
but i love it

2night was the sac party
40 people at chopsticks
pure chaos

community day was great
big turn out

1 week left
then summer vacation
time to relax
sit by the pool

open wide
wide open
2 different things
i think im crazy
couldnt get the name of a book right
wide open is the real title

july 1
its officially my title
student trustee
it feels weird
to say those words
student trustee
i join the ranks
a select few
thank u

well here is the close
to another blog

Thursday, April 26, 2007

student trustee

its official
im the new student trustee

leave all doors open
a brand new day

peace out

fame game

i have said it before
ill say it again
i want to be famous someday

rosie is leaving the view
she only wanted one year
abc wanted 3
she said no
thats breaking news?

every word

the sun is out
yesterday it rained
cooler today
mid 60s
a great day

student trustee
i am the write-in
no one ran
open seat
the election results
tossed out
we must do it again
yesterday today
we will see if i win again

i dont need more
i have a full plate
keep all doors open
you have to
never know what comes next
who you might meet
what someone might offer
try things out
sign that one year contract

one year
this past year
highs and lows
so much has been done
so much more to do
i am happy looking back

two down
two to go

this has been my view
on the world
life in general

this has been a great year
but its not over yet
one more week
finals begin thurs

here we go
peace out

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


summer is here
sort of
85 yesterday
today cooler

a glorious weekend
blue skies
fresh air
beautiful new england

one week left
classes end
time flies

i am tired
so much to do
so little time
i cant seem to function
spring fever

i have been creating
thats what i call it
cross between painting and collaging

take a blank something
paint it
color it
find words
put them down
feel the power
let the brush work

the sun is out
i am in class
i cant concentrate
freedom writers tonight
spring fling week 2007

peace out

Sunday, April 22, 2007

in the news

Fees may increase for '07
By: Joe Brayman, Contributing Editor

The overcast skies and never-ending harsh temperatures aren't the only things that plague the College; there is a possibility that the student fees may be raised in the upcoming year.

The Board of Trustees announced at their recent meeting that fees might be raised from 3.5 to 5 percent, due to the current budget released by the state.

The Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center released an analysis on April 11 stating, "The budget proposal released by the House Ways and Means Committee today increases unrestricted local aid for education by $220 million, which is $20 million more than the Governor's recommendation. It also provides greater funding for higher education than was proposed by the Governor. In other areas, however, the budget provides less funding than the amounts proposed in House One (the Governor's budget proposal).

"The funding for the university system of state colleges and state community colleges would increase from 2007's fiscal appropriations of about $893 million to $926 million, an increase of 3.7 percent.

"State funding for scholarships to Massachusetts college students would increase by $4.7 million or 5.2 percent under the House Ways and Means Committee's budget proposal. This is a difference with the Governor's proposal, which level-funded state scholarship aid," stated the analysis.

The proposal gave the total public health $31.5 million (6 percent) less than what the governor recommended, but the proposal gave $3.0 million more than in the 2007 fiscal year.

Still, student fees at the College may be raised in the upcoming year, a fact that may not settle well with all students.

"At first I was in shock and was mad," said student Mark Richards. "But, in order to make up for shortfalls in the state's budget, we all must make a small sacrifice."


pictures from formal
queen sings



my art

a release

robert downey jr sings
your move


Friday, April 20, 2007

2 busy

i havent blogged
im too busy
nothing to say

one week
of classes
then its over

spring is here

oklahoma city
virginia tech

next week
spring fling
leap into spring

2day is blue

2day is yellow
a new day

a new video
or tomorrow

thats it
from north adams

Thursday, April 12, 2007

donny imus

(CBS/AP) CBS announced Thursday that it has fired Don Imus from his radio program, following a week of uproar over the radio host's derogatory comments about the Rutgers women's basketball team.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

nappy headed you know the rest

DON IMUS: So, I watched the basketball game last night between — a little bit of Rutgers and Tennessee, the women’s final.

SID ROSENBERG: Yeah, Tennessee won last night — seventh championship for [Tennessee coach] Pat Summitt, I-Man. They beat Rutgers by 13 points.

IMUS: That’s some rough girls from Rutgers. Man, they got tattoos and –

BERNARD McGUIRK: Some hard-core hos.

IMUS: That’s some nappy-headed hos there. I’m gonna tell you that now, man, that’s some — woo. And the girls from Tennessee, they all look cute, you know, so, like — kinda like — I don’t know.

McGUIRK: A Spike Lee thing.

IMUS: Yeah.

McGUIRK: The Jigaboos vs. the Wannabes — that movie that he had.

IMUS: Yeah, it was a tough –

CHARLES McCORD: Do The Right Thing.

McGUIRK: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

IMUS: I don’t know if I’d have wanted to beat Rutgers or not, but they did, right?

ROSENBERG: It was a tough watch. The more I look at Rutgers, they look exactly like the Toronto Raptors.

from the moderate voice

40 years
4 words
some nappy headed hos
don imus
open mouth - insert foot

he said it
free speech
shock jock
he is paid to talk

he said sorry
get over it
people are mad
stop giving him air time
you make it worse
give it up
move on
suck it up

i have been paying attention
to the media
how they twist
the facts
cut cut cut
paste paste paste
in the order they want
the media is rich white men
in suits
counting their money
saying what they want

pay attention people
this country is in trouble

nappy headed hos makes the news
but what about soldiers getting killed

stop and think
see the light
before its gone

Cause when they own the information
They can bend it all they want
john mayer says it right


Monday, April 09, 2007


today i turned 20
i am old now
no longer a teen

great weekend at home
friday went to outback

saturday fire and ice
harvard square
a great concept

saw blades of glory
will ferrell
jon heder
but lame
i saw it coming
rent it

easter dinner
honey ham

cold here
they say more snow
blah blah blah

reading craig ferguson's book
between the bridge and the river
a great book

thats it for now
stay warm


Wednesday, April 04, 2007


More than 38 million Americans suffer from hunger or are food insecure, including 13 million children. (United States Department of Agriculture)

More than 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness every year. (National Coalition for the Homeless)

In 2004, the number of Americans living in poverty climbed to 37.9 million people, 12.7% of the population. (U.S. Census Bureau)

800 million people suffer from hunger worldwide. (Bread for the World)

Hunger is defined as consuming fewer than 1,960 calories per day. If all the food produced worldwide was distributed equally there would be enough food so everyone could get 2,760 per day - and no one would experience hunger. (U.N.D.P Human Development Report, 2005)

In 2004, 24% of emergency food providers and 77% of emergency shelter providers reported that they had to turn away individuals requesting assistance, primarily due to a lack of resources. (National Student Campaign Against Hunger and Homelessness)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007


one from urinetown
me getting makeup done

Sunday, April 01, 2007


a new store
a new site
4 pictures
4 sale
start small
see the reaction

the weather here
yesterday went out
the skies blue
spring is here
took pictures
going to make a movie
stay tuned

the reactions from urinetown
still come
people happy
the looks on their faces
that is amazing

my birthday is a week away
just another day

i am doing a hunger cleanup
to help the berkshires
if u want to sponsor our team
let me know

i have been artsy
i will post some of it

get out
enjoy life
