summer 2007

Thursday, February 22, 2007

its thursday
life is slow
mid winter slump
people are tired

spring is coming
blue skies ahead

i bought
shut up & sing
about the dixie chicks
it is powerful
no words
the pain
the terror
speaking her mind

i am ashamed of the president of the united states
say it
yell it
bring our troops home

1 month
till urinetown opens
im scared
but a good scared
the lights
the cheers
the routines
the lyrics
the lines
the makeup
the costumes
my accent

i am writing
a paper
ellen degeneres
why she is influential
for the decade
so many reasons
but one for me

W Magazine: How did you reconcile that introspection with your orderly, goal-oriented side—I want to be famous; I want to have money?

Ellen: The first step is the desire and saying it out loud. I don't think I knew that at the time…. It's too weird that I would just write something that fast and then my first response is thinking and saying, I'm going to be on Johnny Carson and be the first woman to be invited over to the couch.

my goal
say it out loud

i want to be famous
i want to have money

i will work hard
i will fight to be number 1

be different
be true
be brave

it all starts with a dream
that is mine
you cant stop me
the fight has begun
round 1
i will be the champ
i am going to shake up the world
watch out

peace out