summer 2007

Thursday, October 19, 2006


blue skies today
not cold
fall is here
the leaves almost gone
not much left

front page news
midnight madness
i am quoted
hang it on the fridge
except the reporter
wasnt there
date wrong
place wrong
first 3 words
i change them
never made it to print

check your facts

its not who you are
its who you know

sometimes i wonder
did i take so much
do too much

im happy
just crazy

radio tomorrow
first in 2
u get too involved

family weekend
im working
they want me
my shots
im proud

a few weeks ago
a kid hanged himself
i didnt know how to blog
i thought about it
didnt know him
never heard his name
then he died

the paper ran an article
offended some
such is life
this week
the stigma of suicide
the headline
big bold letters
could be seen for miles

this week is AA week
last night grim reaper night
share how alcohol has effected u
a grim reaper
walked around campus
offended some
too much death
such is life
i guess

this was too long
i almost hit delete
y post this stuff
to get it out

this is my life
black and white